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RECEIPT IS HEREBY ACKOWLEDGED BY Tim Boddy, hereinafter called agents
From _______________ here after called tenant(s), of the sum of ___________________


$________as a deposit for breakage, damage or misuse of facilities
$_______ pet deposit
$_­­­­______month rent
$ prorated from_____
The tenant agrees to rent the subject premises on a month to month basis rental of $_________per month payable in advance on the first day of each and every month. (A penalty of $25.00 will be collected for each month’s rent not received or post marked by the first of the month). Rent will be paid to Tim Boddy at 435 Tanglewood Loop, New Creek, WV 26743-4559. The Tenant(s) further agrees:
1) To use said premises as a residence only. No more than ___ persons reside in this apartment. No pets allowed (exceptions to these may be granted by management.)
2) That the rental of the apartment is with a 12 months minimum rental. The total deposit will be forfeited if tenant does not occupy the apartment for the minimum period.
3) A deposit is required. This deposit will be returned upon Tenant’s vacating if all the provisions of this agreement are complied with, and more specifically but not limited to compliance with the following provisions:
a) That the apartment is left in an undamaged, clean rentable condition to be determined by the Manager. (Entire apartment including range, oven, refrigerator, bathroom, closets, cabinets, windows, etc. cleaned. No wall coverings, scratches, or large holes in walls. No indentations or scratches in wood or other floor. Floor pads must be used on anything in contact with hardwood flooring.)
b) No unpaid late charges or delinquent rents.
c) Forwarding address left with management.
d) All keys must be returned.
4) Tenant(s) are required to give 30 days notice upon vacating premises, or they are subject to paying a month’s rent upon vacating. Apartments must be vacated by 1:00 P.M. on the day of vacating or pay another 15 days rent. (Exceptions for unusual circumstances may be granted by management).
5) Tenant(s) agrees to vacate premises within 3 days after being notified in writing due to non-payment of rent, breach of this agreement or any other reason deemed prudent by management.
6) No alterations of any kind to the apartment (including painting) shall be made without prior written consent of the owner(s).
7) It is expressly understood and agreed that the owner(s) of said premises, or said agent will not be liable for any damage or any injury to tenant(s) or her/his family or to her/his family’s property from whatever cause arising from the occupancy of said premises by tenant and her/his family.
8) Notification must be given to owner prior to any service connection to building (cable, dish, etc.)  Tenant will be responsible for damages by installer.
9) The tenant(s) hereby gives the owner(s), in addition to the lien given by law, a lien upon all property situated upon the said premises, including all furniture and household furnishings, whether said property is exempt from execution or not, for the rent agreed to be paid here under, for any damage caused by tenant, and for Court costs and attorney’s fees incurred under the terms hereof.
10) It is understood and agreed that Agent(s) shall have the right to enter and inspect premises at all reasonable times to insure maintenance and safety of premises, and to show the apartment to prospective tenants after notice to vacate has been received.
11) The Tenant(s) shall not transfer her/his interest in and to this rental agreement, nor shall the Tenant(s) assign or sublet the said premises or any part thereof or, in her or his absence or otherwise, permit others to occupy the apartment without first having obtained the written consent of the Manager(s). If the Tenant(s) or subtenant violates the provisions of this paragraph, the Manager(s) may immediately take possession of said premises and in event of litigation may sue and evict any person or persons occupying said premises without making the Tenant(s) a party to said proceedings.
12) That the violation of any of the conditions of this agreement shall be sufficient cause of eviction from said premises, tenant(s) agree to pay all costs of such action, including such reasonable attorney’s fees as may be fixed by court.



Tenant________________________________________________________ Date


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.   John 3:16


Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again.  John 3:7



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