Boddy's Construction and Rentals

The Gospel
The good news about how God has made it possible to have your sins forgiven! The Lord
Jesus (God's beloved son) became a man. Imagine it! He was there in creation and then becomes a man. He lived an absolutely sinless life, fulfilling all prophecy that was written about him, giving sight to the blind, healing those with diseases and even raising the dead! But his own people would cry out "crucify him crucify him!" and guess what , the Lord Jesus let them! Bear in mind he had thousands of angels at his command and at any moment could have escaped, but if he would have done that then we would have no hope, because on that cross he suffered at the hand of God for our sins! A sin hating God poured out his wrath on him as he became our sacrifice for sin. The forgiveness of sins is what he made possible but only to those who believe. The Bible states "as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them who believe on his name."